Consulting Engineers


Multi-Family Residential


Hillebrand Apartments

Location: Louisville, KY
Type: Renovation
Client: SOCAYR

Description: This 16 story, multi-family residential building got a full update and makeover. All 200+ apartments in the building were gutting a refitted with all new electrical, lighting, plumbing & HVAC. The common areas received similar updates as well. The HVAC central plant had a new 4-pipe heating & cooling system designed to provide simultaneous heating and cooling for optimum resident comfort in the spring & fall months when one side of the building may have full sun and need cooling and the other shady side may need heating. This system included a new chiller on the roof and boilers and pumps in the penthouse mechanical room.

Roosevelt House I & II, Forst & Associates, High-Rise Project

Roosevelt House I & II

Location: Owensboro, KY
Type: Renovation
Client: SOCAYR

Description: This full renovation included 2 buildings with a common central mechanical plant in the larger 17-story building. A newly designed central chiller and boiler plant served the larger Roosevelt I’s common area fan coils, as well as the vertical stacked fan coil units in the apartments (which minimized piping runs). The piping was run underground to the smaller Roosevelt II, which was converted over from PTAC through-wall units to more energy efficient, vertical stacked fan coil units.


Jackson House & WB Sanders Retirement Center Apartments

Location: Paducah, KY
Type: Renovation
Client: SOCAYR

Description: A gut and remodel, multi-family, high-rise residential project located in the New Madrid Sesimic Zone - which meant special considerations for equipment mounting and protection. Each building was treated separately in this project due to the site layout and utilities. The smaller, 6-story Sanders building had a relatively new existing boiler and chiller for the common areas and an additional boiler and chiller was added to convert the full building to a 4-pipe fan coil unit system. The larger, 20 floor Jackson House building had an existing chiller and cooling tower adequate to supply the full building. A supplemental condensing boiler added to supply the entire structure with it’s own 4-pipe system as well. Reusing existing equipment allowed the owner to offset cost while upgrading the systems and adding capacity.